Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Feelin' 22 - and Your Other Favorite Guilty Pleasures

Yesterday I turned 22. The first gift I received that day was from my roommate. Without my consent, she played Taylor Swift's hit "22" loud enough to be heard throughout our apartment and probably by our neighbors as well. To be honest, I did not mind one bit. I have never been an open Taylor Swift fan, but I do admit that she has a knack for putting out music that I can't help but sing along and play on repeat, and "22" is no exception. And that is where the inspiration for this post came from.

I started thinking about guilty pleasure songs: the songs we secretly love, but know we should hate. These songs that are decidedly terrible, but for one reason or another still hold a special secret place in our hearts.

So I ask you now: give me your best awful songs. The songs your friends would mock you for if they knew you listened to it by choice. What music in your iTunes library do you  adore yet only listen to when no one is around? If you want to remain anonymous, my contact info is public on my Google+ profile, but please feel free to leave comments on this post as well. My blog is a judge free zone.

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