Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Music of your childhood

Everyone can think of at least a few artists that can bring back childhood memories in a heartbeat. I'm not talking about Raffi or Sesame Street. I'm talking about the songs that when played can instantly bring to mind the time you were seven and car-sick and sharing the backseat with your siblings on a thirteen hour drive to see grandma. Here are some of the artists that were constantly in the six-CD changer of our Husker-red Chevy Suburban.

John Denver - I can recall a particular moment when my family was driving through the mountains in 2001 to watch the Huskers play Miami in the Rose Bowl. The windows were down, the sun was shining, and "Rocky Mountain High" was blasting from the car. It would have been a beautiful moment were I not trying to keep from blowing chunks - I had issues with car sickness as a little kid. Fortunately, I no longer associate this legendary artist with puke and now enjoy listening to his mellow tunes on a sunny day.

The Eagles - For a brief period of time, my parents owned a red convertible Pontiac Catalina. My dad told me the radio could only play oldies, and that is why I can sing the guitar solo at the end of "Hotel California" by heart.

Women of Faith - My mom and her sisters used to attend the Women of Faith concerts whenever they came to Omaha, and each time my mom would always come home with a new CD. The songs, while cheesy at times, are catchy and singable and uplifting. There are still a few songs that I like to keep on my phone.

I firmly believe that you inherit your parents' musical tastes, which is probably why I love music so much now: they both have great taste.

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